
How to Care for Orchids

Having an orchid at home brings beauty, tranquility and connection with nature.


    Image: Canva

    Orchids are incredible and fascinating plants that add a special touch to any environment! With their exotic and varied flowers, they enchant everyone who admires them. There are many types of orchids, with different shapes, colors and sizes, and each of them has its own particularities in relation to light, humidity, temperature and specific care.

    However, for them to flourish and remain healthy, some specific care must be taken. Here are some tips to help you care for your orchids:


    Watering is one of the most important care for orchids, but you need to be careful not to overdo it. In general, it is recommended to water every 5 to 7 days, but the frequency may vary depending on the climate and the type of orchid. The important thing is not to let the plant get wet, as this can cause the roots to rot. It is best to let the plant dry out a little between waterings.

    Image: Canva

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    Orchids need light to grow and bloom, but they cannot be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. Ideally, leave them in a place that receives indirect light, such as near a curtained window or on a protected balcony.

    Image: Canva


    Orchids are plants that can adapt to different temperatures; In general, most orchids prefer mild, stable temperatures during the day and night.

    Tropical orchids, such as Phalaenopsis, prefer temperatures between 20 and 28°C during the day and between 16 and 20°C at night. Cold climate orchids, such as Cymbidium, prefer lower temperatures, between 10 and 18°C during the day and between 5 and 10°C at night.

    In addition to the ambient temperature, it is also important to consider the temperature of the roots, which should be slightly lower than the ambient temperature. To achieve this, it is recommended to use substrates that allow good ventilation of the roots, preventing the accumulation of heat and humidity.

    Remember that exposure to extreme temperatures, both cold and hot, can harm your orchid's health and affect its ability to flower. Therefore, it is important to observe the specific needs of your orchid species and maintain an adequate and stable temperature to ensure its healthy development.

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    Image: Canva


    Orchids need nutrients to grow and bloom, so it's important to fertilize them regularly. Use a fertilizer suitable for orchids and follow the instructions on the packaging to apply the right amount.

    It is recommended that this process be carried out monthly using specific fertilizers for orchids.

    Image: Canva


    The ideal pot for orchids is one that offers good support for the roots, good drainage for water and is suitable for the size of the plant. It's important to choose a pot that meets your orchid's specific needs and provides a healthy environment for its growth.

    Image: Canva


    Pruning should be done when the flower stems are dry and brown, indicating that they have completed their life cycle. At this point, you need to cut them close to the base, with clean, sharp scissors or a knife. It is important not to cut the stem too close to the base as this could damage the roots.
    It is also recommended to prune dead or diseased leaves and roots.

    Image: Canva

    With the tips we present, it will be much easier to take care of your orchid so that it continues to bloom and brighten your home for many years!

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